

購買的[美國直購] Microsoft RH7-00001 鍵盤 保護殼 Surface Pro 4 Type Cover with Fingerprint ID (Black)在這也買的到~而且在這











Surface Pro 4 Type Cover has a new improved design with slightly spread out keys for a more familiar and efficient typing experience that feels like a traditional laptop

The two button trackpad is now larger for precision control and navigation

The keyboard is sturdy with enhanced magnetic stability along the fold so you can adjust it to the right angle and work on your lap, on the plane, or at your desk. Since it's designed just for Surface, Surface Pro 4 Type Cover easily clicks into place to go from tablet to laptop instantly

Upgrade your Surface Pro with the onyx Surface Pro 4 Type Cover with Fingerprint Reader fromMicrosoft. This ultra-thin type cover features animproved backlit mechanical QWERTY keyboard withslightly spread out keys for a more familiar and efficient typing experience. Additionally, its two-button trackpad has been enlarged for precision control and navigation. It still retains functions of the previous model, such as a full row of function keys, Windows shortcut keys, and media controls.

With the fingerprint reader, you can log into your Surface Pro with a single tap. Store all of your passwords in one place with Microsoft Passport, and use your fingertip to perform actions like purchasing an app from the Windows Store with the convenience and security of Windows Hello.

This folio-style cover can be folded shut for protection from bumps and scratches, or folded over for using your Surface Pro as a tablet only. The accelerometer senses the keyboard's orientation and cues Windows on whether to enable or disable keyboard input, and signals the display to turn off whenyou close the cover to conserve power.

Improved QWERTY Keyboard
The keyboard now has slightly spread out keys for a more familiar and efficient typing experience.
Improved Trackpad Design
The two-button trackpad is now larger for precision control and navigation.




Brand Name達人


Item model number


Item Weight

1.1 pounds

Product Dimensions

8.7 x 11.7 x 1.1 inches

Item Dimensions L x W x H

8.68 x 11.73 x 1.15 inches





Shipping Weight

1.1 pounds





[美國直購] Microsoft RH7-00001 鍵盤 保護殼 Surface Pro 4 Type Cover with Fingerprint ID (Black) 討論,推薦,開箱,CP值,熱賣,團購,便宜,優惠,介紹,排行,精選,特價,周年慶,體驗,限時



中颱尼莎快閃台灣,海棠颱風今( 30 )日緊跟在後,約在下午 4 時 40 右由屏東楓港進入陸地,南部部分百貨提早閉店因應,但也有百貨跟隨政府標準,放員工颱風假整日暫停營業。

隨著尼莎遠離,大部分地區天氣好轉,高雄一早還出大太陽,讓許多百貨決定開門做生意,但到下午,海棠影響漸顯,南部風雨逐漸加大,原本決定正常營業的 SOGO 及遠百都宣布提早閉店。

SOGO表示,受海棠颱風影響,高雄店地區目前風雨逐漸加大,顧及同仁與顧客、廠商安全,提早於晚上 7 時 30 分閉店;高雄大遠百今日則營業至晚間 8 時、台南大遠百至 9 時;新光三越高雄兩店營業至晚間 8 時、台南兩店則營業至晚上 9 時。而漢神百貨與漢神巨蛋購物廣場先前表示,逢颱風來襲將依高雄市政府所發出的颱風天公告,若公告停止上班,當日便停止營業,因此今日全日不營業。


台股今( 8 )日開盤漲 19.21 點,加權股價指數以 10598.59 點開出,早盤站上 10600 點大關,一度改寫 27 年新高,但隨即在光學族群如華晶科、先進光、今國光等個股回落、亞光跌停下,大盤又來到盤下。各類股部分,早盤電金漲 0.3% 與 0.5% 左右。鴻海與台積電強勢,分別漲 0.8% 與近 1% ,聯發科則跌 1.7% 。

美股 4 大指數全面收高,道瓊工業指數漲幅擴大,終場上漲 25.61 點或 0.12% 至 22118.42 點,再創歷史新高;那斯達克指數漲 32.21 點,漲幅 0.51% ,成為 6383.77 點,同創紀錄;標準普爾 500 指數上漲 4.08 點或 0.16% ,報 2480.91 點;費城半導體指數收高 18.80 點或 1.74% 至 1098.25 點。

而台北股市昨日開高走高,收盤上漲 72.82 點,收在 10579.38 點,再度改寫 27 年新高紀錄,成交量 1265.54 億元。而台股今日早盤也在 7 月出口連 10 紅帶動下,一度站上 10619 點大關,不過隨後又來到盤下。

各類股部分,早盤電子漲 0.3% 、金融漲 0.5% 。其他,造紙漲 2% 以上。個股部分,新光金營收亮眼,早盤攻上漲停後來打開,目前漲幅也有 7% 。電子股中的鴻海與台積電強勢,分別漲 0.8% 與近 1% ,來到 122.5 元與 218 元,其中台積電完成填息,至於大立光則在盤上,來到 5700 元。

聯發科因 7 月營收降至 189 億元,月減 13% ,早盤弱勢跌 1.7% ,來到 284 元。華碩漲 1% 以上,來到 267 元。鴻家軍中的群創、榮創漲 1% ,鴻準漲3% 、臻鼎強勢,漲超過 7% 。不過,業成、乙盛回跌 3% 、 4% 。另外,宸鴻也受到調節,早盤跌 3% 。

[美國直購] Microsoft RH7-00001 鍵盤 保護殼 Surface Pro 4 Type Cover with Fingerprint ID (Black) 推薦, [美國直購] Microsoft RH7-00001 鍵盤 保護殼 Surface Pro 4 Type Cover with Fingerprint ID (Black) 討論, [美國直購] Microsoft RH7-00001 鍵盤 保護殼 Surface Pro 4 Type Cover with Fingerprint ID (Black) 部落客, [美國直購] Microsoft RH7-00001 鍵盤 保護殼 Surface Pro 4 Type Cover with Fingerprint ID (Black) 比較評比, [美國直購] Microsoft RH7-00001 鍵盤 保護殼 Surface Pro 4 Type Cover with Fingerprint ID (Black) 使用評比, [美國直購] Microsoft RH7-00001 鍵盤 保護殼 Surface Pro 4 Type Cover with Fingerprint ID (Black) 開箱文, [美國直購] Microsoft RH7-00001 鍵盤 保護殼 Surface Pro 4 Type Cover with Fingerprint ID (Black)?推薦, [美國直購] Microsoft RH7-00001 鍵盤 保護殼 Surface Pro 4 Type Cover with Fingerprint ID (Black) 評測文, [美國直購] Microsoft RH7-00001 鍵盤 保護殼 Surface Pro 4 Type Cover with Fingerprint ID (Black) CP值, [美國直購] Microsoft RH7-00001 鍵盤 保護殼 Surface Pro 4 Type Cover with Fingerprint ID (Black) 評鑑大隊, [美國直購] Microsoft RH7-00001 鍵盤 保護殼 Surface Pro 4 Type Cover with Fingerprint ID (Black) 部落客推薦, [美國直購] Microsoft RH7-00001 鍵盤 保護殼 Surface Pro 4 Type Cover with Fingerprint ID (Black) 好用嗎?, [美國直購] Microsoft RH7-00001 鍵盤 保護殼 Surface Pro 4 Type Cover with Fingerprint ID (Black) 去哪買?

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